Breathing DEEP: Free Diving To “Throw The Master Switch”
To read James Nestor’s 2014 book Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, And What The Ocean Tells Us About Ourselves is to dive into a different world – mysterious, immersive, magical. Best known for his best-selling 2020 book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, Nestor’s first full-length book foray exhibits his same sense of curiosity […]
Getting Into Peak Flow: A “Breathwork Ecosystem” Conversation with Dr. Rob Williams
Join Peak Flow co-founder and COO Dr. Rob Williams for an exploration of our Peak Flow breathwork ecosystem approach with Learning Life’s Jon Tota. Listen here, and pass it on.
The Breathing Cure: Join the Breath Work Revolution!
Ireland’s Patrick McKeown is perhaps the world’s foremost authority on breathwork, and his 2015 book The Oxygen Advantage is perhaps the most important book yet written on how to adopt “simple, scientifically proven breathing techniques” to (as the book’s subtitle states) help maximize fitness and heighten athletic performance; improve sleep, focus, and concentration; eliminate asthma […]
A BREATH Of Fresh Air: “The New Science Of A Lost Art”
Science journalist James Nestor begins his brilliant best-selling book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art with a simple evolutionary observation and two profound questions: We Humans breathe between 20,000 and 25,000 times daily. 1) Why are most Humans so BAD at breathing? 2) And how might we Humans learn to breathe better? These two questions animate one […]
Happy, Strong, and Healthy: Inspiring Your Full Human Potential With The Wim Hof Method
Two questions: 1) Imagine if you could learn to use your mind and body to strengthen your immune system, control your autonomic nervous system, and cultivate more happiness, strength and health? 2) And what if learning to do this cost not a single cent, and took only 20 minutes of daily practice in the privacy, comfort and […]